Before I went to church, I only knew that God forgives any wrongdoing and loves everyone. But as I went to church and listened to the Word, I realized that while God had created a heaven for people of faith to go to, He also created a hell where people who do not believe in God and do not live according to the Word must go. I am very curious as to why the God of love does not only have a beautiful heaven, but also a hell with terrible punishment to judge him.

Answer: The God of love opened the way of salvation by preparing his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and sending him to this earth for mankind, who had no choice but to go to hell, which is eternal death due to the sin of disobedience.
Jesus, who had no blemish, died on the cross for us who were sinners, so that anyone who believes in this and lives in the light can receive the authority to become children of God and enjoy eternal life in heaven.
There are people who believe in this way of salvation and go to heaven, and there are people who do not believe and are still going to hell no matter how much they evangelize.
Then, what was the reason why the God of love had no choice but to create a hell where there is eternal punishment in addition to heaven where we can enjoy eternal life?

  1. God who cultivates humans and separates them into wheat and chaff
    Just as a farmer cultivates to harvest wheat, God created human beings to obtain true children and is cultivating them on this earth.
    Those who love God and live according to the Word, that is, children who have regained the image of God the Father, which they lost by keeping their duties as human beings, are the grain. belongs to the chaff.
    Just as a farmer gathers the wheat at harvest and puts it into the barn, and uses the chaff for manure or burns it, so God will separate the wheat from the chaff at the time of judgment. In other words, the wheat that lives according to the word of God is gathered and brought into heaven, and the chaff that is not is gathered and thrown into the fire of hell (Matthew 3:12).
    Heaven is a place where there is only eternal happiness without sorrow, disease, or pain, whereas Hell is a place where you must suffer eternally in the lake of fire and brimstone.
    Then, some say, “Why did the God of love put such a painful hell? Shouldn’t even chaff not enter heaven?” and you can ask.
    Heaven is a beautiful place beyond our imagining, and since God, the Lord of heaven, is holy without blemish, only those who do God’s will can enter (Matthew 7:21).
    If there are people who are full of all kinds of evil in a heaven where people are overflowing with only good and love, it will inevitably be very uncomfortable and the beautiful heaven will be polluted. Therefore, there is no choice but to set up a separate hell, and this, too, is rooted in God’s love.
    God is the I AM (Exodus 3:14), the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Rev. 22:13), as well as the immortal being, who existed before eternity and will be after eternity.
    Therefore, since the soul of a person created by God Himself is immortal, even if the body, like the tent of the soul, rots away, there must be a place for the immortal soul to reside. It is for this reason that God has prepared a separate hell from the heaven where wheat is gathered.
  2. The God of Justice who rewards each person according to their deeds
    God is love, and he is full of mercy and mercy, but he is also a God of justice, who rewards all things according to what he has done.
    Galatians 6:7-8 says, “Do not deceive yourself, for God is not low-key, for whatever a man sows he will also reap. From the Holy Spirit you will reap eternal life.”
    Therefore, if we sow prayers and hymns, power will come from heaven and we will be able to live according to the Word, so that our souls will prosper. If we sow faithful service, we will be strengthened physically and mentally. If we sow tithes and thanksgiving offerings, we will be able to do so for the kingdom of God and righteousness. You can see more blessings to use.
    However, if you sow in evil, you will surely receive the rewards. Even if you have entered the faith, if you sow sin and lawlessness, refinement will surely follow.
    That is why John 5:29 says, “Those who have done good will come out to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.” I will come with the field, and at that time I will repay each one according to what he has done.” He also said that he will gather all the nations before him and separate them from each other as a shepherd separates sheep from goats (Matthew 25:32).
    In this way, through judgment, God gives rewards according to each person’s deeds and punishments appropriate for their sins, thereby repaying them without any error.
    Therefore, in the end, we need to understand that the two paths that each person will take, Heaven or Hell, are not arbitrarily determined by God, but are chosen by those with free will, and they will only reap what they have done.
  3. A loving God who wants everyone to enter the kingdom of heaven
    Because the God of love values ​​one soul more than the world, He wants all people to attain salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
    Like the heart of a shepherd who wanders through a rough mountain road in search of the one lost sheep even though there are ninety-nine sheep (Luke 15:4-7), God gives thanks to the ninety-nine righteous who will not repent if one sinner repents. The truth is that you rejoice more than you rejoice.
    That is why Psalm 103:12-13 says, “As the east is far from the west, so he has removed our sins from us; as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” Isaiah 1:18 says, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool.”
    God hates sin so much because darkness is light and goodness itself. However, if any sinner turns and repents before God, he does not even remember their sins, He embraces and blesses them with infinite forgiveness and warm love.
    Therefore, by realizing this love of God and acting according to His will, we must not only attain eternal heaven, but also live a blessed life that leads many people to the path of salvation.
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Makhan lal

Makhan lal

M bemaar rehta hu kaafi time se plz mere leye prayer karna. …jai masih ke



Yes. Br Makahn Lal, we Praying for you and your family.
God will answer your prayer

Anand singh

Anand singh

Achha hai


Hi There
