I wish for your life to be filled with God’s love and blessing. Now I want to share the grace with you through the message titled with “Unregretful Life.”

Each individual is given life just once. When they look back and reflect on their past lives, many people cannot confess they have lived a really valuable life but instead regret saying to themselves, “Why did I do that?”

The third king of Israel, Solomon made his kingdom prosperous and enjoyed great riches, honor and fame in the blessing of God. Also he gained the wisdom that had never been given before and would not given to anybody, stored much knowledge, built gorgeous palaces, and took many beautiful concubines as he wanted. But in his late days he had no choice but to confess, “Vanity of vanities. Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.”

As mankind was created in the image of God, he has a desire for eternity and thus cannot be fully satisfied with the flesh. King Solomon’s conclusive confession teaches us this lesson. No matter how prizes and honors you have gained on earth, if you fail to receive salvation and eternal life, all you will have to and be able to do before the Great Judgment is to regret.

What kind of life is counted as a really unregretful life?

First of all, you can lead a unregretful life when you run the race of faith with a burning love for God.

If you have really realized God’s love, you will never hesitate to surrender everything you have to God when you are told to do it. Rather, you will contemplate on what else more you can offer to Him even after that.

The Apostle Paul gave up everything he had including family, knowledge, honor, and wealth but instead chose God. So, in the confirmation of God he could become an apostle of God’s power and spiritual word of God, and glorious rewards were prepared for him in the kingdom of heaven.

Next, you have to cultivate and make your heart complete to lead an unregretful life.

To accomplish complete heart, you have to cast off every kind of evil and sin and to fill your heart with truth. The perfect heart is confirmed by the words you speak with your mouth. If your heart is filled with truth, you can say only truth through your mouth. Your pure heart makes your mouth pure also.

Lastly, you can lead an unregretful life when you live at peace with all men. So, you have to throw away your exclusive attitude and all desires to seek your own benefits, and instead consider others’ places. If you have cast off every form of evil and made your heart complete, you can be at peace with everyone.

So I wish you will lead a really unregretful, valuable, and beautiful life on earth and at the last moment of your life you will be able to confess you have done your best. And I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the whole journey of your life will be recognized by God, and you will boldly put yourself into the arms of the Lord and receive glorious rewards in heaven.
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