I hope that your lives will be filled with God’s love and blessing. Today I want to share grace with you through the message titled with “Unchanging Heart.”

In the beginning of the year, people make many plans such as ‘I will try to wake up earlier than before this year.’ ‘I will memorize a Bible verse every day.’ ‘I will pray without ceasing.’ and ‘I will exercise myself this year.’ After a couple of days pass, however, many of them are found to break their promise with themselves and, because of variety of reasons, their grandiose plans are easily abandoned. Why then do they change their hearts on what they determined to do and why does their first heart change?

It is because there are slyness and cunningness in their heart that cause them to turn to the left or right according to beneficial situations. Most of people who live in this fleshly world seek their own, so they change their heart, though they have made a firm resolution, when it is does not benefit them.

People change their hearts differently according to the degree of cunningness. Some people change because of greed, authority, and honor. In addition, some people frequently change their original plans according to the change of the situation they are in.

What then do we have to do in order to accomplish unchanging heart? You must accomplish the heart of truth in which there is no falsehood.

Hebrews 10:22 reads, “Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” If you abstain from every form of evil and all untruths, you can possess a sincere heart and thereby possessing complete faith.

In order to accomplish the heart of truth, you must completely obey the Word of God. You must do what God tells us ‘to do, throw away, keep, and not do.’ You may meet with various things that you cannot understand with the wisdom and knowledge of the world. If you complain or disobey within your thoughts, knowledge, and experience, you cannot possess a sincere heart. When you think that right, if it is not in accordance with the will of God, you have to abandon it and obey His will.

Of course it may not be easy to some believers to obey Him completely from the beginning. Some may insist on their thoughts and opinions, and have inner conflicts when it does not seem to profit them. But when they continually try to obey from the heart, their self-righteousness and frameworks will be demolished and eventually they completely obey the Word of God.

God looks at their heart to obey Him and their deeds of obedience, and accordingly He will change their heart by the truth and give them spiritual faith. Then, everything will go well with them, and they will be filled with blessings.

Proverbs 4:23 reads, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you may accomplish a sincere and unchanging heart and by that heart fulfill whatever you have planned and desired.

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