Vinay Navrang (Age 25, Chandigarh Bilarspur, India)

I had to take a lot of medicine because I had stomach pain due to stomach ulcers for 6 years and suffered from headaches, chest pain and spinal pain. My parents, who were not well off, had a hard time paying for my medical treatment.
Whenever I suffered from pain, I used to search for pastors’ prayers for the sick and receive it. Then one day, while looking for a prayer for the sick I happened to see Rev. Jaerock Lee’s prayer for the sick and received it.
It’s in the GCNTV HINDI. I made a call to Delhi Manmin Church whose number was on the screen. The sister who answered my phone said in a very kind voice that I could be healed and Dr. Soojin Lee would lead a healing meeting. And she sent me the link to access the Daniel Prayer Meeting and helped me to pray for my healing.
I sent my picture and prayer request to receive her prayer at the meeting. I felt the presence of the Lord and thanked. I attended the meeting with anticipation and felt the strong work of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Soojin Lee prayed reading diseases names with the handkerchief of power(Acts 19:11-12). When she said “stomach ulcers”, my body started shaking. I felt like vomiting twice, but I focused on receiving her prayer. Amazingly soon all pains went away. Before I attended the meeting, I prayed, “God! Help this pain stop at least for only 1 or 2 minutes because it was unbearable”, but after I received her prayer, all the pains disappeared in a moment. Hallelujah!
I give all thanks and glory to Father God of love who leads me the way to answers and blessings and heals me. And I thank Dr. Soojin Lee for her prayer and GCNTV HINDI.

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