Word: Exodus 10:22-23, 11:4-7, 14:26-28
Title: Ten plagues (5) 1994. 10. 2.

Last time, we talked about the plagues of evil and poisonous hail, and the plagues of locusts. If you do not repent of your toughness, disaster will come in which you will suffer a great loss in the wealth you value as your life. It’s the hail disaster. However, if we do not turn around, a plague of locusts will come, that is, a disaster in which everything left will be completely wiped out. The sending of hail is the work of God through angels. This will be the same in the case of Noah’s Flood, the fire judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, the disaster of the firstborn that will come next, and the judgment of fire in the last days. However, the locust plague is a plague that Satan works. Even if God works, if you do not turn back, you are entrusted to Satan, and Satan will tear it apart.

Then the ninth plague is the plague of darkness. The plague of darkness is the plague of darkness, and it speaks of the plague just before death. Whether it was due to illness or business failure, he blew away everything he loved like life. However, it is repenting and not turning back. In other words, unbelievers do not continue to receive God, and believers do not fully stand in the truth without repenting of their hardness. Therefore, the calamity just before death is now upon us. Life can be cut off, or to completely depart from God, that is, all grace and faith, and forsaking God, are also death and hell.

Still, God is merciful and does not harm even life. When the calamity of darkness comes, it is a cliff. You are in a very frustrating situation from which you cannot get out. At that point, you should repent and acknowledge God. However, because Pharaoh was hardened, he did not repent despite such disasters. And to the very end, they rebelled against God. The same is true today. Either myself or one of my family members became seriously ill and lost all my possessions, and now my life is at risk. Still, it is not trying to turn back before God. At that time, God will not endure it any longer and will fall into the calamity of the firstborn. In other words, the calamity of the firstborn is now the calamity of the firstborn, but spiritually, in the past, it was different from today, so the parents loved the firstborn the most. Because it is passed on to the firstborn. It is also because they pass on their fortunes and hard work. It’s because I’m getting the ancestral rites again. The eldest son is the most loved because it is at this time when the eldest son is responsible for his parents. In today’s terms, we see parents taking their most beloved children. Or see you taking someone in your family. It is the disaster of the firstborn. Or, they completely fall into the world and fall into a place where they cannot be saved.

The tenth plague, the plague of the firstborn, killed the eldest son, including Pharaoh, his servants, all the people, and his servants. It was also a plague that killed all the firstborn of livestock. You or someone in your loved ones will die. But there are those who believe when they die, and others who see death and return. A person who does not return after death is a sacrifice that cannot be saved forever, and even if one of the family members has suffered such a disaster for the firstborn, those who do not return will not be able to be saved forever. I felt like I was surrendering to God now that I met such a disaster, but now that all the people of Israel have left Egypt, I have regrets again. In other words, you will regret letting go. The human heart is so deceitful. As long as you don’t get rid of this deceitful heart, you will always see this deceitful thing appearing from time to time. There are some saints who fast and stay vigilant, and after repenting that they will never do it again, within a few days, they repeat the same sin again. We see that there are many, not more. So they mobilize all the Egyptian army to bring them back. This means that the entire army is mobilized in Egypt to capture the people who have left Egypt and bring them back.

Dear saints, when you come before the Lord and go to the land of Canaan, that is, toward heaven, the enemy devil and Satan will not leave you alone. Did you come out easily when you first came to church? How tenaciously have the enemy devil and Satan bite you? You will see persecution so that you cannot go to church because you do not believe in them, and they also give you doubts and continue to work so that you cannot go to heaven on the land of Canaan or go to church so that you do not have faith. It follows you to the end until you become sanctified. In other words, we can see that you are chasing after you to the end so that you can live in the thoughts of the flesh so that you cannot be sanctified and live in the untruth. It is the devil who tempted Jesus as well. When Jesus finished fasting for forty days, the devil was tempted three times. But Jesus overcame them all three times with the word of God. If you, too, have the Word of God planted in your heart and meditate on it day and night, even if Satan works, it is of no use. That is, it is defeated by the word. However, because we do not defeat it with the word, we will receive the work of Satan. Our Lord defeated them all three times with the word of God. Then, what is recorded in the Bible? In Luke 4:13, after the devil had gone through all trials, after he had finished all temptations, he was tempted to fall. After they were done, they left for a while. In other words, it was not completely gone. leave for some time Just as Pharaoh followed the people from Egypt to the end, the enemy devil will continue to hinder and follow us until we are not sanctified or until we go to heaven. Satan is constantly pursuing you. It is to bring you doubts and various trials and tribulations to keep you from believing in God in order to lead you to turn away from God and resist God. Even if they were workers, chiefs of agencies, chiefs of districts, captains, district chiefs, or servants of the Lord, how many people have left this altar of life? Satan is pursuing to the end, and if you are deceived by that Satan, you will fall into it, that is, if you do not defeat it with the word, you will be faced with this. The enemy devil, like a roaring lion, is looking for someone to devour, but it was swallowed up right there, so he left even though he knew it was the altar of life. However, if you keep your eyes on God and keep going, there is no fear of being disturbed. Because they become two-hearted and shake back and forth, Satan constantly bites and sags.

Pharaoh and his army pursued them as far as the seashore where the children of Israel were encamped. The children of Israel were cold-hearted. So they start to blame Moses. Because there were no burial places in Egypt, did you bring us up and do this to us? Don’t you also go to church and do that? how nice the world is Others drink, smoke, play hanbok, dance, go out to play, go camping, go fishing, and play golf. So, it’s Sunday, so I have to eat delicious lunch with my family, or when I go out on a picnic, or eat out. Should I eat this tasteless noodle? Don’t you? Aren’t you complaining like this? Do you not resent and complain to the person who evangelized me and led me here? The evangelist who comes to visit whenever I miss the worship service is annoying and I hate to see it. It can be so difficult to take the first step in faith without faith because you have only heard it with your ears and have not yet experienced it.

Last week, during Esther’s education, one of my wife came to me and said this. ‘Chairman, when I go to visit. Searching for lost sheep.’ Those who are discouraged and tempted, those who cannot attend the church, and those who have lost their sheep go to visits. Where should you invest that precious time? We have to find the lost sheep, the tempted sheep, the struggling sheep, the suffering sheep, and the sheep that are suckling. They say that sometimes they don’t even open the door when they visit. It is said that there are families that sometimes knock on the door but do not open it and tell you to go, or lock it inside and never open it. Knock and knock, but it won’t open. Tell me to go and never come again. Still, the wife says that she goes and visits, prays and visits again and knocks.

Dear brothers and sisters, dear servants of our Lord, workers, district managers, captains, regional leaders, and agency heads, we need to find these sheep and visit them. You have to find these sheep and knock on the door. Our Lord says in Revelation 3:20. He always knocks. I knock, and he tells me to open the door. Come in and eat and drink. You are not looking for a home that says ‘Welcome’. Those families are holy saints who can eat well even if they don’t visit and come to church on their own. You can eat by yourself. This means that you can cook rice for yourself, not porridge, and you have the ability to come to the church on your own. It is not to seek such sheep, but to find and visit the lost sheep, sheep unable to come out on their own, sheep unable to eat, sheep unable to come to church on their own, sheep suffering from hardship, and sheep without grace and faith. . I don’t go to the sheep that welcome me to come, but I have the faith, grace and power to diligently come to God’s temple even if such sheep don’t go. However, you will have to visit and pray for the sheep who lock the gate to prevent me from coming and find such a sheep. If you pray and pray with faith and visit, even if you are rejected today, and if you visit tomorrow next week and you are rejected, pray again and open your heart, God. Let him turn around. Lord, let me meet you. Let me experience it. If you believe, pray, and go to visit, God will work for you in the end, and if the enemy devil and Satan who is holding you back goes away, you will open the locked door, welcome you who were ill-treated, and the one who told you not to come again. There are times when you are greeted with ‘Welcome’. When a flock of sheep visits them, they say, ‘Why are you here now?’ ‘Why did you leave me and never come to visit me, and now you’re here?’ There are sheep like that, he says. It is this saying that it is difficult for new believers to take the first step in faith in the state of not having faith because they have only heard with their ears. Even if you have experienced it once or twice, as time passes, doubts arise and you will see that there are flocks of sheep who turn it into a coincidence. He received Satan’s work. Even worse, there may be cases where they curse the church and slander the pastor. The children of Israel also resented Moses.

Dear saints, What would you do? In front of you is the Red Sea. Behind them, the Egyptian army is chasing them. What would you guys do? Will you blame Moses like the people who left Egypt? I like Egypt, so why did you bring me here and why do you want to kill me? Moses suffered a lot of resentment like this. But how grateful I am to God. If you look at Moses and the prophets, even though they gave them the Bread of Life, even though they led them to heaven, they pointed out their sins and taught them to forsake their idols and come to God’s bosom. ? But what I am thankful to God is the fact that our members do not. After a few years, maybe one will come out. How grateful we are that our members grumble so much and there are no members who do that. Thousands of years ago from now, when it was good, when it was not ruled as a sin, when you see wonders and signs like that, when you see wonders and signs that do not fit your thoughts and interests, and when you are experiencing trials and tribulations, you blamed Moses. Why are you leading us to the land of Canaan? Don’t leave it in the world, just leave it in the world Why do you lead us to heaven? We grumbled and complained, and even tried to kill Moses, but our beloved saints believed and obeyed us. Rather, he treated us with love. see what doesn’t. How grateful we are to our God and we are also grateful to you.

Dear saints, on your way to heaven, the Red Sea sometimes blocks you. The Egyptian army is also chasing after them. What if I say it? And what would you guys do? ‘Thank God. We believe in the omnipotence of God. Even though the Red Sea was blocking it, we clearly saw that God was working through the ten plagues. There is nothing that God cannot do. Break this barrier down, and let us cross the Red Sea. Or send back the Egyptian army that is chasing you, or annihilate it.’ We will pray for you to defeat the enemy devil.

My dear brothers and sisters, when I came out as a pioneer, I have been through many times of such an emergency situation, such a cliff, standing on the edge of a cliff, with the Red Sea blocking it in front of it and the Egyptian army chasing it behind it. Each time we thanked God and prayed for victory. Simply for example.

It was at the time of opening. Our God is telling us to build a temporary building on the roof of the first floor in the market where there is a building on the first floor. It is to build a temporary church building. So it was built. It was built with the permission of the owner. is being built. But the ward office came and destroyed it. The Lord said to me. Come on, when it says to build, come on, you build. Then it will collapse. stand up again He said it would fall again. Still, I had to set it up again. I clearly believed in God’s will and obeyed God’s command, so I did it. Now, I built a fence with bros. It was built for the construction of buildings and temporary buildings. He came from the ward office and beat me to pieces. built up again. I broke again. At that time, resentment began to appear among our members. Why don’t you keep saying that God is with you? Why should it be demolished? Why doesn’t God protect me? Why are you building things that will be torn down again? These complaints and complaints came out. Among them were the saints who went to the temple and cried out to the Lord day and night and prayed. Now, why did God command this? Then can I tell the saints? ‘Don’t worry, saints. If you set it up, it will collapse. But I was told to do it again. But it will fall again.’ I couldn’t explain it this way. So I only explained to the top workers around me. Now, they say that if you build it, it will collapse. But he tells you to do it again. Then it will collapse again. Still, he told me to put it back together. Because there will be God’s providence and will, I believed and said that I would obey. The believers who were present at the time of the pioneering know this clearly. It was. It was erected, and our members excitedly built it, but it came crashing down again. put it back up. collapsed again. set it up again.

Now, then, the providence of God appeared. Seeing such a thing, our members begin to unite. Even the complaining and dissatisfied members began to pray for the church, even though they complained and complained, and the members who were filled with prayer began to unite as one. Another providence emerges from there. The desire to have my own home, my church where I can worship, and my home was burning. My love for the church burned even more. My heart was burning that I should have a home. Then I cry out and pray again. I earnestly became one with God and began to pray. Then another providence appears. You made it popular with the people. residents say I was like, ‘Oh, in that empty vacant lot, if you put it up like that, why don’t you let it stand? Why do you have to tear it down?’ Then, with a heart of sympathy for the church, I began to love the church even as I looked at it with those eyes. I have a love for the church because the residents always saw the church in the light, and the people in the market always saw signs and wonders. That is why it has become a church loved by non-believing Gentiles. When this happened, God finally gave us the command to move. move on Now I had to find a bigger place and move it. At that time, God erected the building Hara in the midst of that, and it is the building where the last time Bishops Jeong Chan-ju and Kim Soon-hee lived. He put the building up in the middle of it, and when it was completed, he told us to go there. We didn’t have any money. However, through such a test, our members were united and showed faith, and he gave me this hope that my house should be there now. Yes, our God has granted us such a great blessing in the two repetitions of doing a little work, building a brick to build a small block, and building it for a while and then collapsing and building it down.

Once again, there was a demonstration by residents at the 1988 Olympics. It was a demo now associated with a large country. Our parishioners know this. That building is the current composition exhibition. This refers to the composition that has been transferred. It refers to the constituency hall where the seminary is now located. The villagers demonstrated that Manmin Church and a market were there and that they were going to destroy the market and establish Manmin Church. That’s why I’m telling you to go to Manmin Church. Even if we say that we will not occupy it, whether it is the basement or the first floor, even if we say that we will not occupy the market place, the evil people are obstructing and destroying the church. So, while they were playing the ball and spinning, they also mobilized people who worship idols to make sacrifices to idols on the road right in front of the church, and to sacrifice them there. At that time, it was the 1988 Olympics, so demos were allowed. No matter how many demos there are, you can’t stop it. It didn’t stop. It was a time when we did not prevent such things because there were a lot of foreign media. But we didn’t fight back. I did it in line. He never resisted, only praying and doing good. Then, now, many of the people who took the lead are the heads of the nearby agencies. The heads of people gathered and invited me. I prayed and God told me in advance. Now, they will gather and invite you now. Then I told him to go. There I will work. But after giving that word, on Sunday, all of our men’s missionary churches will gather together and unite as one, and let’s go to the police station now. I’m going to go to the police station because I can’t accept this kind of thing anymore with a picket. So I stopped. Just wait one more week. If it’s more next week, I can’t hold back any more. But let’s wait one more week. Doesn’t our God know the hearts of the saints? If we leave it as it is, we will go out with a demonstration next week, so God hastily worked during that week. So the heads of state gathered. invite me I went. When I went, they all gathered in the headmaster’s office, but instead they tell me to save my life. please live We feel like we’re going to hell right now. I feel like I’ve fallen into hell. I can’t do anything now. You can’t retreat, you can’t move forward, you can’t retreat, you can’t go back, you can’t go any further, because there are people who already have jobs open. So that’s where the terms of the contract were made. We didn’t have any money even when we entered the composition, so we went in empty-handed. It was just a few hundred thousand dollars. However, the terms of the contract are made there. ‘Come on, give me 300 million. We will move.’ So the contract was made for 300 million. Now, we came in empty-handed and came to a large place to worship, and while we were there, we had a revival again with many saints. Doesn’t our God know the hearts of the saints? If we leave it as it is, we will go out with a demonstration next week, so God hastily worked during that week. So the heads of state gathered. invite me I went. When I went, they all gathered in the headmaster’s office, but instead they tell me to save my life. please live We feel like we’re going to hell right now. I feel like I’ve fallen into hell. I can’t do anything now. You can’t retreat, you can’t move forward, you can’t retreat, you can’t go back, you can’t go any further, because there are people who already have jobs open. So that’s where the terms of the contract were made. We didn’t have any money even when we entered the composition, so we went in empty-handed. Just a few hundred thousand dollars went into it. However, the terms of the contract are made there. ‘Come on, give me 300 million. We will move.’ So the contract was made for 300 million. Now, we came in empty-handed and came to a large place to worship, and while we were there, we had a revival again with many saints. Doesn’t our God know the hearts of the saints? If we leave it as it is, we will go out with a demonstration next week, so God hastily worked during that week. So the heads of state gathered. invite me I went. When I went, they all gathered in the headmaster’s office, but instead they tell me to save my life. please live We feel like we’re going to hell right now. I feel like I’ve fallen into hell. I can’t do anything now. You can’t retreat, you can’t move forward, you can’t retreat, you can’t go back, you can’t go any further, because there are people who already have jobs open. So that’s where the terms of the contract were made. We didn’t have any money even when we entered the composition, so we went in empty-handed. Just a few hundred thousand dollars went into it. However, the terms of the contract are made there. ‘Come on, give me 300 million. We will move.’ So the contract was made for 300 million. Now, we came in empty-handed and came to a large place to worship, and while we were there, we had a revival again with many saints. Just a few hundred thousand dollars went into it. However, the terms of the contract are made there. ‘Come on, give me 300 million. We will move.’ So the contract was made for 300 million. Now, we came in empty-handed and came to a large place to worship, and while we were there, we had a revival again with many saints. Just a few hundred thousand dollars went into it. However, the terms of the contract are made there. ‘Come on, give me 300 million. We will move.’ So the contract was made for 300 million. Now, we came in empty-handed and came to a large place to worship, and while we were there, we had a revival again with many saints.

Now, even after coming here, I saw you all three years ago. There was an incident where items were taken out and put out in the yard. Hundreds of us saints came and saw the scene from the morning and cried out in tears and prayed. Then God spoke to me. I will not forgive I will not forgive those who have touched the temple of God. I told him to go and tell him. So, I sent Elder Jeong-ho Lee, the chairperson of the building committee. Go ahead and tell me this. Tell them that our God will not forgive them. Elder Jeong-ho Lee went and said so. Then I saw that indeed God did not forgive. Rather, the master now ejaculates us. please please save me So, you all know that it has been prosperous in the meantime. It is the process of creating something out of nothing without any difficulties. We didn’t buy this because we had money, did we? God provided for us to create something out of nothing. Rather, they judged us, so we were allowed to worship here, and our God worked together and blessed us in this way.

Now, God, who brought the ten plagues upon the Exodus, I believe in those plagues. This is what God can’t do. It works the same today. So, if we say that the way we are going is the right way, and if we say that it is God’s will, we sometimes come across this situation where the Red Sea is in front of us and the Egyptian army is attacking us. Every time that happens, you know well that we have overcome and overcome through prayer with thanksgiving and have reached today. If we complained or resented in such a situation, we would have to step back or rather, something like this would have to happen and we would not have been able to move forward. You all know well that we have always achieved victory, victory and victory because we came out relying on God while believing and praying with thanksgiving. The same goes for your home, work, and business. Sometimes Satan works. Trials and tribulations are coming. Sometimes it comes as if some kind of disaster is coming. Of course, disaster does not occur. What disasters have we encountered? Trials and tribulations have come, but we have won through faith and worked together to receive blessings to this day. Have you ever encountered any kind of disaster? There is no disaster. Even though Abraham went into Egypt and took his wife, it was not a disaster. Rather, we can see that it came together as a blessing. I haven’t met any catastrophe. What kind of disaster did Abraham encounter? Have you never been? It is a fact that when we obey, if we obey by faith, disaster will not come. Trials and tribulation are coming. The trial and tribulation came when Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den. Such trials and tribulations came to the three friends. But, isn’t it a disaster? In other words, isn’t it supposed to be lion’s food? Wasn’t he not burned to death in the furnace? Rather, have you been blessed and not glorified through it? didn’t you win? Until now, we have always been victorious and returned only glory, haven’t we encountered any kind of disaster?

I was like this for 9 days because of bloodshed, but I didn’t encounter some kind of disaster, did I? It wasn’t dead, it wasn’t broken, it wasn’t sick, it was only blood that was shed for 9 days, and it was like that for 8 days. After that, didn’t it give glory to the greater glory and become a trusted and trusted servant of God? Isn’t God giving us greater blessings and greater power?

Indeed, if I say that I believe in the omniscient and almighty God, Jehovah, I will not nod even when such a great test has come. Also, God’s guaranteed prophet, Moses, is with us. However, despite seeing the many wonders and signs, the children of Israel complained against Moses when the test came. Are you also experiencing such experiences? I’ve been getting responses like this. I also heard the brother of faith receive answers and testify. I know the truth by hearing it through the Bible. Nevertheless, when a great test is coming, why do your lips come out with grudges and groanings? Now, in the name of the Lord, I pray that there will be no such person.

No matter what trials and tribulations come, the people who left Egypt saw the ten plagues and saw God with Moses. Last week’s Esther class education, one of my wife’s mothers said this. Chairman Dr. Lee says that when I went to Ulleungdo for the Bitsalt Retreat in the old days, I was not afraid or scared at all when I was sailing on a small boat, a fishing boat, or a squid fishing boat in the terrifying sea where the waves hit. Yeah, now that I think about it, it’s weird. I don’t know if I’ll be able to ride it when I think about it now and tell me to ride it again. It’s weird. But it wasn’t scary at the time. That is, because they believed that God was with them. At that time, the 20 or so sisters did not feel any fear at that time because the evangelist who was with God was with them. I do not know. One or two may have felt fear, but how full of praise they crossed the sea. At that time, the now pastor Jo Ki-wan was also a young man and was with me at that time. So, at that time, they had faith and saw so many wonders and signs and had faith, and now they became servants of the Lord, workers, and lovers.

Brothers and sisters, like the people of the exodus, we should not become such abominable lips by dancing, rejoicing, and giving thanks when it is good, and complaining about Moses when we see any trials and tribulations that are approaching before our eyes. However, because they were still in the early stages of their faith, God did not discipline them for this. If a brother or sister with good faith behaves like that, God will not forgive him. If you are a mature person in your faith, you can’t have any grudges about anything. Who do you see when you leave church? It’s about seeing God. You yourself came before God to have life and go to the path of eternal life, not for anyone, someone who evangelized me, or anyone else. It is rare to see such a person among new believers. It’s because of my parents. It is said that my evangelist comes out for the evangelist just because of how hard he comes and comes. I say it because I don’t know the truth at all. But when the truth enters, it is now said that it comes out for me. Therefore, there is no need to complain and lament because of people. However, since the children of Israel are still weak in heart, Moses calms them down and divides the Red Sea with the staff of faith as God commanded. In the past, when such trials and tribulations came at the time of pioneering, the saints complained. He asked why he had to suffer like this, saying that it is an altar where God is with him. However, if you look at the results later, you will see that He always worked together for good and led to blessings. How about now after going through that a few times? Now I don’t feel resentful. No matter what trials and tribulations come, you will find joy, prayer, and thanksgiving. That’s why we can achieve great things again. How can you accomplish great things if the workers around you are complaining, arguing, gossiping, slandering, and putting the brakes on the work in the church? But the elders around us and the workers are not like that. Believe, obey and follow. That is why we can achieve great things and we are making the world a reality. If you put the brake on it, argue, quarrel, grumble, and gossip, you will have to calm down and persuade them, and how can you accomplish countless great things? The people who left Egypt did that. But at that time, because I was in a state of unbelief, God accepted this saying. Our members were also like that at the time of pioneering. But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I can see them believing and obeying and following them. I see that God’s providence and blessings will come no matter what trials and tribulations come. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the LORD caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side) How can you accomplish great things if the workers around you are complaining, arguing, gossiping, slandering, and putting the brakes on the work in the church? But the elders around us and the workers are not like that. Believe, obey and follow. That is why we can achieve great things and we are making the world a reality. If you put the brake on it, argue, quarrel, grumble, and gossip, you will have to calm down and persuade them, and how can you accomplish countless great things? That’s what the people who came out of Egypt did. But at that time, because I was in a state of unbelief, God accepted this saying. Our members were also like that at the time of pioneering. But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I can see them believing and obeying and following them. I see that God’s providence and blessings will come no matter what trials and tribulations come. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the Lord caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side) How can you accomplish great things if the workers around you are complaining, arguing, gossiping, slandering, and putting the brakes on the work in the church? But the elders around us and the workers are not like that. Believe, obey and follow. That is why we can achieve great things and we are making the world a reality. If you put the brake on it, argue, quarrel, grumble, and gossip, you will have to calm down and persuade them, and how can you accomplish countless great things? That’s what the people who came out of Egypt did. But at that time, because I was in a state of unbelief, God accepted this saying. Our members were also like that at the time of pioneering. But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I see, believe, obey, and follow. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the Lord caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side) That is why we can achieve great things and we are making the world a reality. If you put the brake on it, argue, quarrel, grumble, and gossip, you will have to calm down and persuade them, and how can you accomplish countless great things? That’s what the people who came out of Egypt did. But at that time, because I was in a state of unbelief, God accepted this saying. Our members were also like that at the time of pioneering. But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I can see them believing and obeying and following them. I see that God’s providence and blessings will come no matter what trials and tribulations come. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the Lord caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side) That is why we can achieve great things and we are making the world a reality. If you put the brake on it, argue, quarrel, grumble, and gossip, you will have to calm down and persuade them, and how can you accomplish countless great things? That’s what the people who came out of Egypt did. But at that time, because I was in a state of unbelief, God accepted this saying. Our members were also like that at the time of pioneering. But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I can see them believing and obeying and following them. I see that God’s providence and blessings will come no matter what trials and tribulations come. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the LORD caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side) But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I can see them believing and obeying and following them. I see that God’s providence and blessings will come no matter what trials and tribulations come. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the Lord caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side) But now, after experiencing many experiences and seeing wonders and signs, my faith has grown, so now I can see them believing and obeying and following them. I see that God’s providence and blessing will come no matter what trials and tribulations come. You have seen what you do. So Moses parted the Red Sea. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and pushed it, but the Lord caused the sea to go away all night with a strong east wind, and the water split and the sea became dry land. If you watch the movie “The Ten Commandments”, it comes out well. Let the water form a wall on both sides… ..(End of Tape A side)

(Start on Tape B side)… .And a pillar of cloud was placed between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel, and there was darkness in the camp of Egypt, and the other side could not approach this side all night because of darkness. But this side was illuminated by a pillar of fire, so the children of Israel were able to cross the Red Sea with joy. When they were about to cross, God removed the pillar of cloud, and the Egyptian army rushed after them into the middle of the sea. God did not forgive him for showing his toughness without turning back to the end. He buried them all in the water, leaving nothing behind. Then a question may arise here. The children of Israel still had so little faith, how could such a great thing as the parting of the sea happen? Guys, can a two or three-year-old child jump through a ditch with water on his own? It is something that the mother has to carry and cross. But even a ten-year-old child cannot do that. This means that even if you become a boy, become a young man, and become an adult, you cannot do that. Because I’m out of my childhood. The children of Israel are the faith that has just come from the world. In other words, it is in the same state as a newborn child. If God has led them, of course they have the responsibility to save them before God. They looked to God who was with Moses, and they also looked to Moses, believed, obeyed, and left Egypt. If you look at Exodus 12, you can see it clearly. He girded his loins, put sandals on his feet, and held a staff in his hand, and ate the whole meat of the lamb that had been roasted on the fire. If you also live your life of faith now, if you receive grace, you will diligently read the Word of God. Of course, not everything you read becomes a form, It’s not that we follow the word and do it, but we read the word diligently and try to listen to it when we receive grace. Well, this belief was there. You too are different depending on the measure of your faith, but when you go to the gates of heaven, you just have to believe in this way and obey the Lord’s servant. Even though God is working on God’s side, he does not believe in it and turns away and is captured by the Egyptian army. How frustrating would it be if so many Israelites tried to go together? There were about 600,000 men in the suit, so if you include infants, the elderly, women, and many other ethnic groups, the number must have been more than two million. They also had to drive sheep, cattle, and a very large number of livestock. You must have something to eat. You should also have a bed to sleep on. The child was carried in arms and carried out of Egypt. Therefore, their gait is bound to be very slow. It’s not as open as a highway as it is now. Nor is there a way. Even if the highway is built, it will probably not be easy if you carry so many people, cattle, sheep, and all these burdens. Whether it’s today’s big four-lane or eight-lane roads, get entangled in hundreds of cars. You see things that you can’t get out of. You see that it is customary to wait for several tens of minutes without being able to get out, sometimes for 30 minutes, sometimes for very tangled up. Even though there are many roads open. So their gait is very slow. If I had to go quickly, it would have been only about ten miles a day. Maybe ten miles? Moreover, the road in the wilderness is not good. But I think it must have been about ten miles.

A similar story is found in the Three Kingdoms of China. Cao Cao ordered Hau Don to attack Liu Bei, but Zhuge Liang’s ingenuity led him to victory through chemical attack. However, when Cao Cao, the defeated Cao Cao, attacks again with more troops, there is no way to stop him in the small castle, so he flees. Leave the castle and flee. At that time, tens of thousands of people in the city who followed Hyeon-deok like their parents followed Hyeon-deok. In other words, because the enemy is bringing a large number of troops, this is an army, not a small number of land, and the city is not large. . However, because the people believe in and follow Hyeon-deok like their parents, they follow this people even if they die, so let’s die together. Therefore, the virtuous King Hyeon-deok could not abandon his people. So we will do this together. Even when people around you tell you to throw it away. However, even if we die, we will die together, and if we live, we will live together. He does not abandon the people, but leads them. Cao Cao’s out-of-bounds cavalry rode after them on horseback. So I had to run away quickly, but I had to take so many people with me, so it is recorded that I could only go out about ten li in a day. So can you fully understand the situation? Little children, old people, all the burdens, well, isn’t it the same when we left Egypt? Children, old people, all the luggage. There are things that I have packed and lived at home. There’s something else, ooh, sheep. Tow all of these things, with or without a cart, and carried on the head and carried on the back, You can think of it as walking ten miles in a day as you have to hold and hold a small child by the wrist, and the countless people have to get tangled up. Also, there is a road like a playground because the road is open, so there is no way to go out. So it’s quite understandable. So there are some who are going boldly, but many must have felt skeptical. He must have been afraid, trembling, and frustrated because he did not know when the king would change his mind and come after him, or he would have been unbelievable and funny, and he would have looked like a fool. You, too, may feel this way when you are in the hands of the devil in the world and take the first step to the church when you come to God. There was a way for the children of Israel who had left Egypt to go directly to the land of Canaan by land, without going through the sea. But the road had to go through the land of the Philistines. That is why the land they pass right from the land of Goshen can pass through what is now called the Gaza Strip and go all the way up the Mediterranean Sea. This is it. Therefore, the road can go directly through the land of the Philistines, but it must be meaningful that God has provided for us to cross the Red Sea rather than that road. But God knew that the Israelites would be afraid to go back to Egypt when they saw war. In other words, if you cross the Philistine land, you have to keep fighting. You have to fight, fight and defeat. I evangelized and led them into God’s bosom, but as soon as I come, if a great test comes, won’t I turn back to the world? That is why He made a shortcut and made them return to the Red Sea Road.

Dear brothers and sisters, I hope that you yourself will think for a moment while listening to these words. No matter what trials come, if you have strong faith that you can overcome them with gratitude and joy, God doesn’t need to change you like that. If the Philistines oppose them, they can fight with faith and win. If we proceed with such a heart, God will help us and we can quickly enter the land of Canaan, the land of blessing. However, God is well aware of the hardened heart and the two hearts of humans, so He leads them accordingly. He even led them to a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The wilderness, the route to the Exodus, is a desert area. It is hot during the day and cold at night. That is why God blocked the direct sunlight from shining brightly with a pillar of cloud during the day, and illuminated it with a pillar of fire at night so that it is not cold or dark. The same is true when you first come to church. Just as he carefully takes care of toddlers, God prevents disasters in your workplace and business place in advance, provides a way of escape, enlightens you, and guides you kindly. But what do the first comers say? When it seems like a trial or tribulation is coming, I go to church, but I see a figure that looks and fears and tries to turn back. Never come to church and receive God, so disasters do not come, and trials and tribulations do not come. If you only look to God and move forward, you will receive guidance and God will protect and protect you. If the people who left Egypt did not complain and only believed and followed Moses, would it not matter whether there was the Red Sea or the Egyptian army behind them? God will part the Red Sea, and they will go that way, and the Egyptian army will follow them and be buried in the water because they are evil. The same is true today. If you go to church, if you come to God, if you believe and obey, God will protect and protect you, and you will never encounter any kind of disaster. But because I look back, I go back to the world, because I have no intention to follow, because I have no intention to show my faith, and because I look back at the world while complaining, the enemy devil and Satan work like this. As long as you don’t go back to the world, God will protect you and be with you.

But could it not have been possible to keep the Israelites from being surprised at all? So as not to be surprised in the first place. Couldn’t the Egyptian army be stopped altogether? Could you not work so that the Red Sea does not block it? If you had parted the Red Sea before the Egyptian army arrived, wouldn’t there be no need to be afraid? But if they do, will their faith grow? When will you be able to meet and experience God and grow your faith? When will you be able to grow? When will you be able to grow until you can feed yourself? How can you go to heaven on your own, and how can you enter the land of Canaan? If they do, their faith cannot grow. And can you find their evil in them? If only good things are done for good and the evil inside is not exposed, we have no choice but to keep it as it is. It will not be broken, it will not turn around, and our faith will not grow. How can we keep the law God has given us and keep it? Therefore, in the end, they cannot enter the land of Canaan and have no choice but to go down the road of destruction. It is only through trials, tribulations, pains, and trials that this evil is revealed and we fight to repent and forsake it. Through such a process, we meet God and receive answers and our faith grows.

So what should I do if I don’t want to receive the refinement? All you have to do is put off all your evil appearances and live fully in the truth. Where can we find similar examples? You can tell when you cross the Jordan River. The people who repented and did not turn back, the people who did not believe and did not obey, all died in the wilderness. However, those who have faith have now reached the front of the land of Canaan. Then they can see them obeying God’s commands. Those who perished in the land of Canaan could always see that they complained, complained, and disobeyed, so they could not enter the land of Canaan. So they could step on and cross the Jordan River on their own. They can see them obeying God’s commands. It’s about you today. How are you guys? At the time of pioneering, when trials and tribulations came, we grumbled, complained, muttered, and said things like this. But what about today? Do you not believe and obey and follow? So, aren’t you working hard and working hard towards heaven? However, you can see some people who do not believe, do not obey, complain, and such people become left behind and leave the world or this life-altar if they are not. But for those who don’t, aren’t they sitting here and worshiping right now? Without complaining or groaning, they just stepped on the Jordan River with faith and entered. They also toured Jericho. When they obeyed faith on one side or the other side of the Jordan River, there was nothing that could frighten them, and the prosperous Jordan River stopped flowing, and Jericho City fell down. Rather, the people of Jericho were locked up in the city, trembling in fear because the chatter had melted away.

Let me conclude. 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, “Be sober and watchful, for your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour; resist him, strong in the faith.” If we strengthen our faith and go forward without leaning left or right, the enemy’s demonic camp is destined to fall. In 1 John 5:18 we read, “We know that everyone who is born of God does not sin. He who is born of God keeps him, and the evil one cannot touch him.” It is something that the enemy devil cannot even touch. So, will you face difficulties in your business? Will you have trouble with material things? Will you get sick? Who will come and disturb you? If you have not sinned and fully abide in the truth, there is no need to worry about anything because the Lord protects you with the fire of the Holy Spirit with the eyes of a flame.

Dear saints,

We talked about the ten plagues. Among the ten plagues, there are many people who are living a life of faith while facing this and that disaster. And most of them are facing a plague of blood or a plague of teeth. You can enter the dimension of holiness only when you become people who do not meet even the plagues of blood or teeth. Some people are faced with the catastrophe of evil, the catastrophe of poisoning. Some even meet Jeanne in Paris. Some people face the plagues of darkness. Some people encounter the calamity of hail. You may also encounter the plague of locusts. We also encounter the disaster of the firstborn. There are also some people who encounter the disaster of being completely submerged in water because that is not enough. Everyone, now you have heard about the disaster. I hope you will become wise people who do not encounter such disasters. If I repent and turn back, even now, even if I am in a state where I have no choice but to meet the calamity of the firstborn son, the calamity of darkness, if I turn back even now, I will be forgiven. If the king had turned away when Moses came and spoke, he could have avoided the plague of death. More disaster could have been avoided. Because of not listening, we can see that we have met with a more severe calamity, calamity. If we, believers, obey the word from Dan and repent and turn back, we will not face further trials, tribulations, and calamities. You should know that it is coming because you are conceived and that it is already too late to regret at that time. He is a God of justice and the enemy devil and Satan are like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. There is no way to avoid it. Oh, no one knows about this, so it will be avoided, but no. It is a fact that God knows, and the enemy the devil knows it, so in the end we have no choice but to meet calamity. But repent and turn. Repent now and turn around. So please avoid disaster. Don’t I sometimes say it in Dan? There are those servants and workers who warn the Lord’s servants and warn both the elders and the workers, but they do not listen and continue to sin. It’s not too late now. You will have to turn before you cross the river of no return. If you cross the river of no return, then it is already too late. At that time, even if you want to repent, it is already too late. Please don’t let me get into that situation. When Pharaoh had already entered the Red Sea, there was no turning back. God buried them all, and not one survived. If we enter the stage where God does not forgive, then there is not much we can do. Dear saints, I hope that you will turn around and do not encounter such a disaster and become all of you who live a life of faith. We will all pray together. Don’t I sometimes say it in Dan? There are those servants and workers who warn the servants of the Lord and warn both the elders and the workers, but they do not listen and continue to sin. It’s not too late now. You will have to turn around before you cross the river of no return. If you cross the river of no return, then it is already too late. At that time, even if you want to repent, it is already too late. Please don’t let me get into that situation. When Pharaoh had already entered the Red Sea, there was no turning back. God buried them all, and not one survived. If we enter the stage where God does not forgive, then there is not much we can do. Dear saints, I hope that you will turn around and do not encounter such a disaster and become all of you who live a life of faith. We will all pray together. Don’t I sometimes say it in Dan? There are those servants and workers who warn the Lord’s servants and warn both the elders and the workers, but they do not listen and continue to sin. It’s not too late now. You will have to turn before you cross the river of no return. If you cross the river of no return, then it is already too late. At that time, even if you want to repent, it is already too late. Please don’t let me get into that situation. When Pharaoh had already entered the Red Sea, there was no turning back. God buried them all, and not one survived. If we enter the stage where God does not forgive, then there is not much we can do. Dear saints, I hope that you will turn around and do not encounter such a disaster and become all of you who live a life of faith. We will all pray together.


Hallelujah Thank you Lord for your grace and love. Father God, I talked about the ten plagues. We hope that you will engraved it on the hearts of our members so that we will not encounter such calamities and live a life of faith with joy and thanks always. Even if the Red Sea is in front of us, even if the Egyptian army is attacking us, even if they are chasing us, if we believe in God and obey God, the Red Sea will be divided, and the wicked people of Egypt will be buried in the sea. You will see that you can move forward without worry or worry. Lord, I want you to give me this faith. I want you to give me this obedient faith. Father God, the people who followed Joshua stepped on the Jordan River, and as they stepped on it, the flow stopped and they were able to cross it. All of them went around Jericho and they collapsed and were able to enter Jericho. Father, we didn’t fight. It wasn’t a hard fight. It wasn’t bleeding. It wasn’t dead. When we believe and obey, we can see that God works, works together for good, and leads us into blessings. Please add grace to your grace so that we all become believers who receive these blessings. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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