3st Spirit, Soul, Body (5)

2004-11-07 | Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee | Gal 5:19-21

Last time, we looked specifically at witchcraft, enmity, and strife among the works of the flesh. Today, I will testify about envy, anger, party building and separation.

When grace comes, many people praise God and fervently confess their love. There are many people who give thanks with tears and promise to give their lives, and are actually loyal and devoted. However, faithfulness, zeal, or confession of the lips alone does not allow God to acknowledge, “Surely you love me.”

If we have true faith and love God, we must do what God commands (John 14:21, 1 John 5:3). No matter how much you confess your love and praise it with tears, if you do not keep God’s commandments, your confession of love is not true.

It is the evidence of true faith to do what the Bible says to “do”, do not do to “do not do”, and to throw away what is said to be “forsake” and to keep what is said in the Bible. Moreover, since the works of the flesh are disliked by God, we need to put them off quickly so that the wall between God and sin will be broken down and God’s answers and blessings will come.

1. When

“Envy” is when you think that someone else is better than you, your heart fluctuates, you feel uncomfortable, you distance yourself from the other person, and you hate it. When this gets worse, it becomes envy, and due to such envy and envy, malicious anger that harms the other person comes out, quarrels and parties occur, and there are murders. From one fundamental root, envy, envy and various other things of the flesh are derived and appear together.

Envy is a truly ugly sin that gnaws at one’s soul. A jealous person suffers from the rotting of his own bones because of the good things of others (Proverbs 14:30). According to the Bible, even though Leah and Rachel are sisters, they are jealous and quarrel with each other, making it difficult even for her husband, Jacob (Genesis 30:1).

This quarrel later affects their children, and the other ten brothers become jealous of Joseph, who was loved by his father, and sell him as a slave to merchants. It is said that the heartlessness of selling even the younger brother of one blood stems from the root of envy.

However, the most easily discovered attribute of the period is that you feel uncomfortable when you see that your partner is doing well. “If that person has these shortcomings and shortcomings, why is that person so successful and loved?” And several thoughts come to mind. Furthermore, the person hates him, wants to take what he has, and wants to trample his happiness.

Comparing the happiness of others to yourself and hurting your heart is rooted in envy. “He is recognized like that, he is so happy, why am I this way? Am I the only one with this?” and despair or discouragement. This is especially easy for people who are similar to you, such as those of similar age or religious background, or who have similar missions.

If you don’t have envy, you’ll be happy and rejoicing just like your own work when others get compliments on you. If I praised your child, he would be happy and happy. Even if my children have any shortcomings, they are more deeply grateful for being loved.

However, when the target is my child, it is the heart of the Spirit to give thanks not only to my family, but to everyone equally. In addition, if the person below you in the missionary church is recognized and loved and becomes the head rather than yourself, you should be as grateful as you are to be recognized and you should be able to serve others better.

Also, it is not something to be upset and upset because the store next door is doing well. It is a good heart to genuinely rejoice that other stores are doing well and at the same time pray that I will be blessed in front of my father and prosper.

King Saul of Israel had a son named Jonathan. From the moment Jonathan and David first met, they exchanged sincere love with each other through heart. In fact, Jonathan might consider David his enemy. He should inherit the throne of his father Saul, but God has appointed David as king, so he may think that his throne has been usurped.

However, Jonathan rather helps David and encourages David even when he is being pursued by Saul (1 Samuel 23:16-17). This is the heart of the spirit and the heart of truth. When others take good things, I am happy and happy just like my work, and when others suffer, I feel sick and sad.

2. anger

Some people, when they get angry, raise their voices, curse others, commit violence, and sometimes even kill others. Saul, the first king of Israel, was very jealous and hated David. So he constantly tried to kill David, but on the contrary, Jonathan, Saul’s son, loved David so much that he tried to save him no matter what.

One day, Jonathan had escaped David from Saul, and when Saul learned of this, Saul became very angry and spoke evil against Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:30). Nevertheless, when Jonathan speaks against David again, this time he gets even more angry and tries to throw a javelin at Jonathan. Just by looking at this, we can see that Saul is a difficult person to be saved.

It is extremely difficult to find a person without blood in the world. Even people who seem meek with an introverted personality are often not lacking in spirit, but are just holding back. Since each person has the root of blood, even if they believe in the Lord and become a child of God, there are many cases where the blood still remains.

However, just because the saints are petrified and angry does not mean that they cannot be saved because of them. Even if you give up blood for a while, you just need to repent and change from the heart. However, no matter how big or small, since there is a sinful nature of anger, it can come out as a great bodily work that leads to death, so it is a fact that the root of the blood must be uprooted.

You can see a lot of scary things being reported today because of blood. There is a brother who was orphaned when he was young, so it is said that the older brother sacrificed his life for his younger brother, paid for his tuition, and took care of him until he got married. They were brothers with good righteousness, but after a minor quarrel, the younger brother said that he was ignoring his older brother, and the older brother instantly beat his younger brother to death. The very next moment, my older brother regretted it deeply, but it was already too late.

Even those who committed such evil would not have thought that they would be able to commit such a great evil. So, no matter how trivial a sin is, it should not be kept as it is. Each person makes excuses that there is a reason for producing blood, but in the end there is evil and blood in him, so he gets angry because of it. A person who has no evil in heart and is meek does not get angry because of the fact that the other person provides the cause.

However, for reference, you must know that wrath in the Lord is different from anger, which is a work of the flesh. There are times when Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees with fearful words (Matt. 23:33), or overturned the tables of those who traded in the temple of God (Mt 21:12). Of course, it is the righteous anger that stems from the justice of God.

Also, when parents rebuke their children and lift their rods, some people do not overcome their anger and shout and beat their children, which is not proper in the sight of God. However, it is not the work of the flesh to reprove a child harshly, though it is not their own feelings, but love because it must not be wrong (Proverbs 13:24). In this case, it is proper even before God.

3. Separation from partying

“Party formation” refers to a person who is supposed to be one with the whole and separates and forms a different group because it does not fit his or her heart. Of course, being separated from a group does not simply mean that some people are more friendly or that they meet and socialize more often. It is natural for people with similar opinions and positions to become closer and meet more often.

However, party makers alienate those who disagree with them or harm others in order to achieve their goals, so it is called the work of the flesh. In pursuit of their own interests, they form groups and criticize and attack others. Even when they slander and condemn each other, their feelings deepen, and there are cases of intense disputes and rejection. Because they are divided according to their own desires, they reject wisdom and follow untruth (Proverbs 18:1).

In the Bible, we can see David’s son Absalom forming and separating parties according to his own interests (2 Samuel 15). However, Absalom, who formed a party with this scheme and separated, seemed to be prosperous at first, but the premonition turned around and he died a tragic death (2 Samuel 18:9). Since God turned away from him, no matter how carefully he planned it, he could not get what he wanted.

If you look at the churches today, even among the saints who have gathered in the name of the Lord, there are things that make parties. The head of all churches is Jesus Christ, and in each church there is a servant of the Lord. However, within it, a person who has a different policy or opinion from the head shepherd forms a satanic synagogue and divides it.

If the head shepherd leads the flock in a direction that is contrary to the truth, it must be corrected. The fact is that you go.

The same goes for missions and institutions. If several people choose them in the name of the Lord and set them up as their heads, even if they lack a little bit or have different ideas, they must unite to build the kingdom of God. Therefore, we should seek the benefit of everyone we are with, both in church and in society, and be able to embrace those who have different intentions with us with love and virtue.

Dear saints,

One death row inmate, in his last meeting with his mother, right before his death sentence, said, “Why did my mother cover me up without scolding me when she first saw me stealing toys from a friend’s house as a child? Why did you leave me unchallenged as I grew up making more and more mistakes? Now that my mother did not reprove me, I am now on death row.” There is a story that he left these words and was taken to the prison. It is the fact that the mother’s love of flesh, who could not rebuke her precious son, eventually led her to the path of death.

Even spiritually, it is not easy for a preacher to point out sins on the altar. Some people have a hard time in their hearts when they point out, rebuke, and throw away their sins, while others criticize the preacher as being legal. Even so, it is true love that allows us to go to heaven by reproving our sins, realizing, repenting, and coming out into the light (Ephesians 5:13).

Therefore, whenever you discover your own evil through the Word, I pray in the name of the Lord that you will be more grateful and quick to cast it off and become children who live in the light and the love of God.

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