Scripture: John 6:53
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.”

I wish for your life to be filled with God’s love and blessing. Now I want to share His grace with you through the message entitled “Secret of the Holy Communion.”

I believe each of you may have seen or heard about one of the most famous pictures of the world, “the Lord’s Supper.” That night before His crucifixion Jesus shared the last supper with His disciples. In remembrance of this last supper we have the Holy Communion service and commemorate His crucifixion.

When they eat the bread and drink the cup at the Communion service, many believers remember that Jesus was hung on the cross and shed His precious blood for all mankind and shed tears of gratitude and repentance. As the passing of time, however, they return to the former ways of life because of their untruthfulness. Our God knows this weakness of mankind very well, so He has urged us to have the communion service for our continual transformation.

By the way, a mysterious secret for eternal life is embedded in the brad and the cup we eat and drink during the communion service. The bread symbolizes the flesh of the Son of Man and the cup His blood, and through the communion service, God commanded us to remember that we can gain eternal only when we eat and drink the flesh and the blood of the Son of Man.

Our Lord Jesus said in John 6:53, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.” What are you to do to eat the flesh of the Son of Man and to drink His blood?

First, “eating the flesh of the Son of Man” refers to “making the word of God of spiritual bread.” John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” and John 1:14 testifies that Jesus is the One who was the Word but became flesh and came to this world. And “making the word of God of our spiritual bread” means that you should not only store His word as knowledge but change your heart into that of truth, goodness and love.

You should not only eat the flesh of the Son of Man but drink His blood as well. Drinking His blood means “to show the deeds of obedience to the word of God.” Only when you walk in the word of truth, will His word be able to become life and strength to you, and untruths come out of your heart and truths fill it. It is the same as wastes come out of your body and new nutrients are supplied only when you not only receive nutrients but drink water as well.

May you bear the meanings of the bread and the cup at the communion service in mind, walk in the word of God every day and feel His love in depths of your heart, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray!

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