Brother Hanyoung Lee
(4-13 th Parish, 2 nd Canaan Mission / Working at the Headline Telecommunication)
Suffering from tetanic spondylitis, a rare disease
In the winter of 1995, in my high school days, I had an acute pain in the left elbow and the following year the pain rapidly radiated to my spine. “This is a rare disease. Tetanic spondylitis!” Tetanic spondylitis causes muscles and joints around the spine to become stiffened and finally even the spine becomes hardened like a pole of bamboo.
An operation was impossible. I did my best to relieve pains with medications and physical therapy. I had to quit going to school a couple of times. I was also exempted from military service. Afterwards I got a job but I was not able to live a normal life because of intermittent back pain.
In early April of 2004, I overstressed while working too hard and developed back pain. Finally, my spinal bones stiffened, my appetite dwindled away, and I didn’t get enough sleep. Without pain-killers I could not live and it was not long before I started rapidly losing weight. I had tremendous difficulty just stepping from one foot to the other.
Guided at Manmin Joong-ang Church through Manmin Joong-ang News
One day during the winter of 2004, my mother found a folded church newspaper placed in front of the entrance of my house. She caught a glimmer of light and hope after she read about the miraculous healing cases performed through Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee.
She thought to herself, “Yes! If we attend this church, my son will be healed!” My mother had always been worried about my disease. She called the church and went to visit there. As soon as she entered its sanctuary, she was very touched at the sight of members of that church. She witnessed God’s powerful works and heard the message filled with life and power. She registered at the church. That day she recovered good eyesight and she began to clearly see objects far from her.
Then, I followed her example and registered at Manmin Joong-ang Church. Rev. Dr. Lee’s messages were so powerful that they changed my life. I was reminded that I had enjoyed the worldly things with friends and complained to my mother while I was ill in bed. I repented of all my past sins. Since then, my life was changed remarkably, and my disorganized life style and distracting words and behaviors were all gone.
Through the powerful prayer of handkerchief
Listening to the words of life and praying continually, I ran toward heaven every day and my heart was filled with thanks and joy. My mother attributed my disease to her fault and began to pray to God with fasting.
In the March of 2005, Rev. Sooyoul Jo visited my house and testified to the powerful works of God manifested through Rev. Dr. Lee. Then, he laid the handkerchief on which Rev. Dr. Lee had prayed on me, and he prayed saying, “Father God, let him be clean. Heal him completely.” I felt a thrilling, cold, but comfortable feeling all over my body.
After I received the handkerchief prayer, I threw away all medicines and did not go the hospital any more for medications.
All pains were gone and I began to walk and run normally
A few days later when I woke up I found something completely unexpected. My whole body became light and all the pains on my spine were gone. Furthermore, I came to walk properly and freely.
With the passing of time I gained more than 10 kg of weight and was able to live a normal life and at my office working. When I walk down the stairs it is with a light step as if I had never fallen ill, my mother shed tears with deep thanks to God who healed me.
I give all thanks and glory to God and I give thanks to Rev. Dr. Lee who has planted the faith into us with the words of life and power and led us to the way of blessing and answers.