Q) I am a housewife who has met God after marriage and is living a religious life. What should I do to have a happy family in the Lord? I am also very curious why the Apostle Paul said, “I want all men to be like me” (1 Corinthians 7:7) while living single.

A) In Genesis 2:18-24, God made a helper because it was not good for a man to be alone. He took a rib from a man and made a woman, and he made a man leave his parents and be united with his wife to become one flesh. With the beginning of mankind, God made two persons to form a perfect union within the law of marriage to form a family. Therefore, in Mark 10:7-9, it says, “A man shall leave his father and mother, and the two shall become one flesh. So then, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no man can separate.” Forbidden.
Then, let’s take a look at how two people should become one body in God’s law to create a happy and beautiful family.

  1. position of husband and wife
    When God created a woman, it was not good for a man to be alone, so he made him a helper (Genesis 2:18). That’s why 1 Corinthians 11:8 says, “Man is not of woman, but woman of man, and man was not made for woman, but woman for man.”
    Also, God says that a man should leave his parents and be united to his wife and become one flesh (Genesis 2:24), and in 1Corinthians 11:3, “The head of each man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ. is God.” Therefore, if we compare the family to a human body, we know that the husband is the head and the wife is the body, so the head must lead and take care of the body.
    So, even when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s word and ate of the forbidden fruit, they were cursed and thrown out of the Garden of Eden, God said to the woman, “I will greatly increase the pain of childbearing and you will labor and bear children. You will long for your husband, and your husband will I will rule over you.” He told the man, “You shall toil all the days of your life to eat of its fruit” (Genesis 3:16-17).
    Therefore, when married, the wife must long for her husband as a helper and be governed by the husband, and the husband must work hard and sweat throughout his life to provide for his family. In this way, a wife and a husband should realize that each other’s positions and duties are different, so that the wife submits to her husband and the husband loves his wife and becomes one flesh.
  2. To lead a happy family life
    In Ephesians 5:22, God commanded, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord” so that couples can have a happy family. Do it as you gave yourself.” This is because a happy family can be established only when we seek the benefit of each other through love, service, and obedience.
    Therefore, according to the Bible, neither husband nor wife can claim their own body (1 Corinthians 7:4). These words mean that since we are one body, we cannot stand up for each other’s claims, so we must become one heart and fulfill that role as the owner of one family. Most of the quarrels in the home are caused by husbands or wives asserting their own opinions, so even if they are right, they should be able to yield to each other in the truth.
    Moreover, knowing that it is God’s will and order for a wife to obey her husband, she should be a wise wife who knows how to grieve together when her husband grieves in the truth and rejoice when there is something to rejoice in. When a happy thing happened to her husband, instead of rejoicing together, if he asks, ‘Your family is full of things, but what makes you feel good about that kind of work?’ Also, if husbands do not respect their wives with economic power and do not take care of household chores, this will bring misfortune to each other.
    Therefore, before asking for unilateral love and obedience between husband and wife, we must learn to respect and serve each other. A happy family can never be established if there is something that makes the other person difficult by stating one’s rights or feelings, so a happy family can only be achieved by achieving harmony in the Lord.
  3. Why the Apostle Paul chose to be single
    Then, why did the Apostle Paul, who clearly knew God’s will, exhort him, “I want all men to be like me” (7 Corinthians 7:XNUMX) while living single and not married?
    7 Corinthians 8:XNUMX says, “Each one has his own gift from God, one this and the other that.” The gift received here refers to the ‘grace’ received from God. The gift they received is so great that they are impressed and their love for God is so great that some people do not get married and live devotedly to God alone, while others get married and start a family.
    The apostle Paul was pointing out that it is better not to marry than to oppose the institution of marriage itself or to insist on celibacy, but rather in order that we may serve the Lord with one mind and not be distracted. That’s why 1 Corinthians 7:26-28 says, “I think this is good, that it is good for a man to remain alone because of the imminent tribulation… But marriage does not sin, and when a virgin marries, it does not sin, but these will have afflictions in the flesh, and I spare you.”
    When you get married, your mind will be dispersed thinking, ‘How can I please my husband, how can I please my wife?’ And I am bound by various things. In addition, because marriage is occupied with the things of the world, there are many cases in which our faith grows cold and we turn away from God. Therefore, the Apostle Paul wrote that marriage is accompanied by suffering in the flesh for one reason or another. Those who want to love God are advised to stay single with themselves.
    Since God is the one who repays us for what we have done on this earth, those who have hope in heaven, who faithfully serve the kingdom and righteousness of God with all their body, mind, mind, and devotion, and who sanctify themselves will receive a greater and greater happiness when they go to heaven. Because you will be rewarded. Therefore, it is good to get married and serve God faithfully in harmony and build a beautiful family loved by God.
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I am very happy to Malayalam translation



I am very happy to Malayalam translation.thanks brother



Ithu vaayikkumbol yenikku yente manassinu yenthennu illatha samadhnam aanu brother.thanks Amen brother



Thanku pastorji translate for hindi ……



yes sis ji. thank you for visiting this page..
continue read a words of God


Hi There
