
[Deuteronomy 28:1-7]
“Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. [2] “All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God: [3] “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. [4] “Blessed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your beasts, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock. [5] “Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. [6] “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. [7] “The LORD shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.”


Dear brothers and sisters,

This is the sixth session of ‘Blessing‘. Let us look into verse 6, continuing from the last session. To receive blessing ‘whether you come in or go out’ is to receive blessings and to prosper in all things wherever you are.

Blessings will come upon those who are with you as well as those who bless you. And if you bless somebody, he will receive blessings.

I’ve had such experiences so many times in my pastoral ministry. Blessings came upon where I was, and those who were with me also received blessings. For example, we see those who help our church prosper in their respective walks of life. Also, those who love me and help me received obvious blessings and prosperity.

If this is the case, what might have happened to those whom I blessed?Their entangled problems were resolved, and their diseases and infirmities were cured. Their businesses and workplaces received blessings. Families came to have peace, and those who would not have been saved came back within the boundaries of salvation. We gave glory to God greatly through such works.

How could such works happen through me? Is it because I have greater knowledge and learning than others? Is it because I have greater financesor fame than others? From the physical viewpoint, I lack in many aspects, but God the Almighty is always with me. He is not just with me, but He always walks with me and guarantees me. So, just as darkness fades away when the light comes, wherever I go the camp of the enemy devil is destroyed,people are moved by the Spirit, and God’s boundless power is manifested.

Because God always walks with me, He prepares everything necessary and delicately guides me. He also prepared those who will help me, so I have no worry or concern wherever I go. Suppose you became friends with the president of a nation, and he is taking care of you. How secure and powerful would this be to you!

In 2006, when I held a crusade in DR Congo, the president himself supported us in holding the crusade. He let the biggest streets be blocked for the first time in history so we could use it for our crusade. This happened because the president became our friend. How much more amazing things will happen if God helps us?

God is the Creator of the universe and all things in it and the Governor over all of them so that not one of the sparrows will fall to the ground without His permission.He governs the life, death, fortune and misfortune of mankind, and He is the Owner of Heaven who can give us eternal life.If you can receive the love and guarantee from God, it means you can gain everything you want.

If you farm you will reap abundant harvest; if you run a business, it will prosper; if you have a good idea, it will be used for great success. There will be no hindrance in any of your affairs and you will receive ‘a good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over’. The Father God wants all of you to be in such a blessed and glorious place.And He is making me proclaim such blessings.

Dear brothers and sisters, we human beings have limitations and sometimes meet with hindrances and shortages. But if we walk only the right way according to the Word of God without turning to the left or to the right like Abraham did, we receive blessings and prosper in all things because God will walk with us.

Because I know this law of the spiritual realm, I have lived by God’s Word and received so many blessings as God promised.Dear brothers and sisters, how easy is it to obey the teachings of the truth? For example, in order to be great among people, you only have to be humble.

To receive blessing ’30, 60 or even 100 times over’ or ‘pressed down, shaken together, and running over’ you just have to give to God. If you want to enjoy good health you only have to pray with faith and please God with voluntary service. To receive the solution to problems with necessities of life, as written in Matthew 6:33, you only have to seek the kingdom and righteousness of God. To enjoy good health and prosper in everything, your soul has only to prosper as said in 3 John 1:2.

This is not all. 66 books of the Bible tell us of so many promises of God for our blessing. The reason why people cannot receive such blessings is that they follow their own thoughts, plans, and wills and fail to obey the word of God eventually. An obedient person does not think about his current situation or whether something is of benefit to him or not. Regardless of the present situation or circumstances, all they think of is how they will be able to obey God’s will.

God can work for such people in full swing through the original voice. Then, they will completely obey the original voice and experience God’s work of creating something out of nothing. I pray in the name of the Lord that the work of the original voice may abundantly overflow in your life.

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