Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:10

“For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.”

I wish for your life to be filled with God’s love and blessing. Today I want to share His grace with you through this sermon titled “A Guide in Your Life.”

If you have to prepare and arrange for everything for your first overseas journey by yourself, you may feel a little helpless. Ticketing procedures at the airport are unfamiliar to you. Communicating in foreign languages and finding your way around isn’t easy. In fact, nothing is easy. But if a local guide accompanies you who is well experienced and is very aware of local situations, you can enjoy your journey comfortably.

Similarly, if a skilled guide accompanies you and makes your journey through life secure and happy, how wonderful that would be! Our God of love gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who accept Jesus Christ so that the Spirit plays the role of our Guide in the journey through life.

So, anyone who clearly hears the Holy Spirit, receives His guidance and obeys Him can be prosperous in everything he does. The Holy Spirit is One with God the Creator who created the heavens and the earth with His almighty power and has governed the history of mankind. God has cultivated His true children through the Holy Spirit.

What then should you do to clearly hear the Holy Spirit and be successful in everything?

First of all, you have to cast off every kind of evil and become sanctified.

The voice of the Holy Spirit is not heard by your ears, but by your heart. If you cease praying, the Holy Spirit tells you from your heart not to cease praying. At first the sound of His voice is faint and indistinct, but each time you obey His voice, His voice will most certainly become clearer to you. You can hear His voice more precisely to the extent that you have cast off sins and evil and accomplished a pure heart.

Thus, when you put the word of God into practice and diligently throw away your sins, you can sanctify your heart, hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly and be able to receive His guidance.

Secondly, you have to obey the voice of the Holy Spirit without looking at the situations.

Many believers want to obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, but because they look at the reality of the situation and conditions and then they fail to obey Him

When God tells them to do something, they disobey God saying, “I have no strength to do it,” or “The way things are right now it’s not good for me to do it.”

Jesus said in John 11:40, “If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” God is pleased and gives you His answers when you obey Him by faith without looking at the situations.

May each of you give more thanks to God who has sent you the Guide for our journey through life, listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit to become clearer by purifying your heart day by day and obey Him so that you can be successful in everything, in the name of our Lord I pray!

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