2st Spirit, Soul, Body (5)

2004-02-29 | Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee | 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Today, we will examine the definition and operation of the soul and testify to the operation of the soul, that is, how we can control our thoughts.

Up until the last time we have explained about the flesh, and from today we will enter the field of the soul. Although the world acknowledges that there is an invisible soul as well as a visible body, they do not know that spirit and soul are separate and what the reality of spirit and soul is.

If you properly nurture the word about the soul, you will know how to control your own soul, that is, how to control your thoughts. For example, if you try not to think of a thought, but it keeps bothering you, you will learn how to control your thoughts if you don’t want them to.

Some people say that when they see someone they hate, it is difficult to love because they think of hate first. Even at this time, if you clearly know about your soul’s work, it will be easier to love someone you hate, so it is very important to know and govern your soul in achieving holiness.

1. The definition and operation of the soul

The dictionary describes the soul as ‘a thing that dwells in a person’s body and is thought to control the mental processes’ and ‘synonymous with such things as soul, soul, soul, and spirit’. However, God’s definition of the soul is different.

A person’s head has a brain, and there is a memory device in it, which stores the knowledge acquired while growing up, namely, a lot of things that have been seen, heard, learned and experienced. The idea is to recall the stored knowledge, that is, the memorized contents. The memory device in the head, the knowledge stored in it, and the actions of thought that recall it are collectively called the ‘soul’.

In addition, you can see that IQ varies depending on how much data a person sees, hears, and inputs as they grow up, how much they can remember, and how well they can use it appropriately.

As such, the human brain has a memory device, and there are things that we have seen, heard, and remembered through materials such as books and television with parents, teachers, friends, and other people. It is as important as the body, and the body is like a garment overlaid on the heart. However, the action of the soul can be different depending on how and what data is entered into the memory of the brain.

Let’s say that three people passing by saw Deacon Kim talking loudly with Deacon Park at the same time. At this point, one person thinks, ‘You two are having a lot of fun talking’, while the other thinks, ‘I think something bad is going on because the sound is so high.’ Another person thinks that ‘Deacon Kim is giving blood to Butler Park again’ because they have seen Deaconess Kim in the past.

Also, when they see someone who greedily eats food more than anyone else, the person who inputs this as an uncultured behavior will ask, ‘How can I glut like that?’ I don’t think it’s good, but some people look at the same thing and think, ‘You really enjoy eating, you’re a wonderful person who knows how to appreciate food’ and thinks of it lovingly. In this way, depending on what and how each person has been input by the action of the soul, even if they see the same scene, the feelings and thoughts they have will change.

2. To have thoughts and feelings that are pleasing to God

1) You should always see, hear, and feel only good things.

Only when we have thoughts pleasing to God and a proper feeling before God through the action of our souls, we can change all false knowledge, theories, and thoughts that are displeasing to God into truth in accordance with the Word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).

First, depending on ‘what is stored’, you may or may not have good thoughts that please God. You can see, hear, and feel good things while seeing, hearing, and experiencing things in the world, or you can see and hear bad things and feel them. If we contain good things, good thoughts will arise, and if we contain evil things, evil thoughts will arise.

For example, let’s say two people who are a little far away are laughing while talking. If you see someone like this and say, ‘It’s bad because they’re only talking to each other,’ or ‘You seem to be gossiping about me,’ you will feel bad and upset whenever a similar situation occurs. On the other hand, some people who typed ‘I think there is something to talk about in a low voice,’ or ‘I think there is something to talk about in a low voice’, even if they see other people whispering, ‘Is it possible? It ends with a ‘see’.

Even after seeing the same scene, those who input good things will think of good things, and those who input bad things will think of bad things.

Next, you will have good thoughts and feelings that are pleasing to God according to ‘how you store them’, so you need to know how people store memories. They can be divided into 4 types.

The first is to drain it.

For example, let’s say you took a train to go home, and there are paddy fields along the road and the rice is ripe. However, if your parents and family want to see you sooner and you are absorbed in thoughts such as ‘what should we talk about when we go’ and ‘how much will you like the gift I prepared for you,’ we cannot properly remember the scenery or scenes we saw along the way.

Also, suppose that in class, a student was sitting at a desk, thinking, ‘What am I going to do and play after class?’ When these students are asked what they have learned after class, they cannot answer. Apparently he was sitting in class, but he forgot the teacher’s explanation.

Second, there is something to keep.

When I go home, if my parents are farmers, I look at the rice fields thinking, ‘My father also farms, but there are rice fields here too, so the grains are ripe’. If you keep it like this, you can roughly remember the scenes you saw on the way, but you can’t remember it in detail, and even if you do, you will easily forget it over time.

Also, there are cases in which students listen to the teacher’s explanation during class, but they simply say ‘I think so’ and keep it. If you do, you can give an answer to the extent of “heard about something”, but after a few days, you forget it and take the test in that state, so you can’t remember the answer.

Third, there is something planted.

If you are a farmer who farms yourself, when you see a paddy field on the way, you will remember ‘Farming went well’, ‘That plastic house was built really well’, ‘I’ll build it that way when I get home’ and look into it with interest. Because it is well planted in the garden, you will remember the details of what you saw later when you go home.

Also, if the teacher told the students in advance, “I will take a test after today’s class is over, and each time I make a mistake, I will be beaten one by one.”

Fourth, there is something that is planted in the heart and mind at the same time.

For example, let’s say a child saw his mother die in a car accident when he was about seven or eight years old. At this time, you will not only remember it in your head, but the shock and mourning will be planted in your heart. It is difficult to forget what has been entered into the mind and heart in this way, even after many years. No matter how hard I try to forget, the scene keeps coming back to me and sometimes even in my dreams.

Older people have a clear memory of things from a very long time ago, even though their memory fades as the years go by. This is because it has been strongly input into the heart and mind. Moreover, as long as the memory is not clouded, the memories planted in the mind and the mind at the same time can remain as memories for a lifetime as long as brain cells are not destroyed.

2) Always be on the other side and think in the good way

If you know these things, you will have great ability to control the action of the soul. Sometimes, even though you don’t want to think about untruths, there are cases where thoughts come to your mind tenaciously.

For example, if someone is very bothering you, the person’s name and face are entered along with the feeling. Hate arises because of what he suffered, and when you think of that person, the emotion of hate comes to mind. Also, even if I try not to think about it, the scenes that the person is making it hard for me keep coming back to me, which makes me upset and annoyed.

However, there are people who suffer because their hateful heart keeps coming up in the process of praying to cast off hatred. If you do not want to suffer from such evil thoughts, you can input good things from the beginning. Even if the other person behaves inappropriately, no matter how much they bully me, if I understand from the other person’s point of view and input only good things, even when I think about that person, hate may not come to my mind. .

Then what about untruths that have already been entered with feelings?

In this case, we need to change the feeling, not the memory itself. For example, by changing the feelings of ‘hate’ or ‘unforgivable’, ‘it could be from that person’s point of view’ or ‘how hard it would have been for you to do that’ is to feel the other side over and over again. At the same time, remembering the loveliness or strengths of the other person, and praying for the other person. We do it with love, such as giving warm words to each other and even a small gift. As much as you do this, hate turns into a feeling of love, so you don’t have to suffer or struggle any more.

Dear saints,

Through today’s Word, I pray in the name of the Lord that you will quickly come out as a person of complete spirit who only thinks the truth because you discover and realize ‘what kind of feelings and knowledge I have entered, and what kind of thoughts I have.’

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