
[Deuteronomy 28:1-7]
“Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. [2] “All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God: [3] “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. [4] “Blessed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your beasts, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock. [5] “Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. [6] “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. [7] “The LORD shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.”


Dear brothers and sisters,

We have begun this new year 2014 with great expectations. The Original Voice has sounded forth right from the beginning, and many believers are experiencing its power. Once the Original Voice is sounded, it goes forth and does not disappear, but remains in the spiritual space. When the proper conditions are met according to justice, it begins to work immediately.

Simply put, ‘to meet the proper conditions according to justice’ means that the vessel has to be prepared. It is to prepare the spiritual vessel. And, in the rapid flow of spirit that began in full scale in 2010, many of you have now prepared the spiritual vessel. So in this year, which marks the 32nd year since establishment, God the Father let me preach about the chapter of blessings, which is today’s reading passage.

This has rather significant meaning spiritually. Since the opening of the church and for the last 32 years, I’ve been preaching extensively about this chapter of blessing, Deuteronomy chapter 28. But until now, I did not officially preach the message by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I just preached about it with the desire that you would accept my words with faith and receive answers and blessings.

But it was just that you did not prepare your vessels. I felt so many times that the words of blessing that I preached did not really become your own unless you prepared the vessel, no matter how much I preached. I put the words in your hands and also in your mouths, but it was useless as long as you did not catch them, make spiritual food of them and consume them.

Of course, because I have the power of God who guarantees me the power to bless and curse, those who accepted my words with faith and obeyed have received great blessings. But what I really want is beyond that kind of level. It is that your homes, workplaces, and places of business will experience the works of re-creation through the original voice sounded forth from me. If I say, “Let the blessing come!” it will just come upon your families, workplaces, and business fields.

But for this to happen, above all, you have to prepare the spiritual vessel. For several years now I’ve been telling you that when the time comes you would receive blessings if I just commanded from the pulpit for blessings to come upon you. And that time is the time when you have prepared the spiritual vessel to receive them. Namely, it referred to the time when the proper conditions are met according to justice so that when the original voice is sounded from me it could work immediately as proclaimed.

And that time has almost come. Of course, not all of you have prepared your vessels, but now many of you have gone into the whole spirit, spirit, and onto the rock, and therefore, once I sound forth the original voice, it will work right away. Now the time of blessing has almost come. For this reason God the Father moved my heart to preach about the chapter of blessings. Therefore, I hope you will receive all the messages with your heart as I will begin to preach about the chapter of blessings and then the secrets to receive blessings.

And none of you should think, “I am not on the rock of faith yet, and these messages have nothing to do with me.” You should think more like, “I will increase my faith immediately and prepare my vessel upon hearing the messages, so I can also receive blessings.” Furthermore, the authority over the words coming out from my mouth has gone to a higher dimension, and if you receive these messages with ‘Amen’, you can surely receive blessings.

But the important thing to receive blessings is that you have to obey as soon as you hear the messages. Now, it is much easier for you to obey, because the original voice will break your freewill. In the past, you could not really obey the messages you heard from your heart with faith, but as the original voice has sounded forth, you can obey from your heart.

In this year 2014, a year of full-scale blessings, I pray in the name of the Lord that all of you will hear this original voice and obey immediately so that you will receive blessings.


Dear brothers and sisters,

First, let us talk about what blessing is. What really is blessing? People have different concepts about blessings, but God talked about blessings, too.

First, it is to have no worries. It means you should not have anything to worry about, not only for yourself but for your family members or people around you. If none of your family members or people around you are sick, and if you have nothing to be sad about, you are free of worries, and this is a true blessing.

Next, it is a blessing to have peace of mind because you have peace with everybody. On top of that, if you can enjoy the necessary things abundantly on this earth, and if you can share those things with others, it is blessing. Furthermore, if you have somebody to share spiritual love with, and if you have somebody you love enough to give your life, it is blessing.

If you enjoy all these blessings, you are truly blessed individuals even when compared with kings. Now, how many blessings among those are you enjoying? I can confidently say before you that I have received all these things. I have nothing to worry about regarding myself, my family, and people around me, in physical sense. It has been that way for a long time. I had no worries and I did not worry about physical things.

Of course, spiritual mourning is different. I still mourn a lot in spiritual mourning for the kingdom and righteousness of God. I still mourn very much to accomplish the kingdom of God more greatly in His providence, and to accomplish the righteousness in the hearts of the numerous souls entrusted to me. But spiritual mourning will be comforted by God and be paid back with blessings. And I can overcome all those things because I have faith.

Also, I have no quarrels but enjoy peace with everybody, so I have peace in my heart. I’ve been enjoying this blessing also for a long time now. I hope you will also maintain peace with everybody and enjoy this peace of heart. Of course, the most important thing is to have peace with God the Father. Only then can you enjoy true peace of heart, too.

Next, I can say I am enjoying all the necessary things of this earth, and furthermore, I am sharing my material blessing with many people. I was once in a desperately difficult financial situation from having lived in the pain and suffering of disease for 7 years. But, from the time I met God and received divine healing, my life was totally changed. Furthermore, since the moment I went into spirit, God poured down material blessings until they were overflowing. I lack nothing and I am living a blessed life being able to help so many people around me.

Also, I have many people to share spiritual love with, and I have beloved ones for whom I can even give my life. It is that many of you are coming forth to be able to share spiritual love with me. Of course, they can also give their lives for me, too. So, I do not lack a single thing, and I am confident that I am enjoying the greatest blessings.

Now, what do the worldly people consider to be blessings? Usually they consider themselves blessed if they are wealthy enough, and if they also have social power. But even though you have all those things, it is useless if you lose your health. On another hand, if you have health, but are in a very difficult financial situation, you cannot be considered blessed.

Anyway, in most cases, most people have some things they consider blessings while they are lacking in other things. Even if it seems that they do not lack anything, everyone has their own personal problems. And even if one can enjoy all the blessings on this earth and lack nothing of this world, what is the use of it if that person dies and goes to Hell? As explained, the blessings that the worldly people seek are imperfect.

But we, who are believers in God, do not seek after such imperfect worldly blessings. Those who are truly blessed are the ones who have attained the aforementioned four things. That is, they have no worries and peace of heart; they are enjoying all the necessary things of this earth abundantly and sharing them with others; they have people to share spiritual love and beloved ones for whom they could give their lives; and above all, they must have the blessing of eternal life.

Also, those who really love and revere God are truly blessed. Psalm 34:9 says, “O fear the LORD, you His saints; for to those who fear Him there is no want.” As said, those who love and fear God will have nothing lacking. The evil ones cannot touch them, and they feel everything is sufficient because God works for the good of everything.

Furthermore, just as Abraham was called ‘a friend of God’, if we can always walk with God having close fellowship with Him and receive the power from above to manifest the works of God, then we can be considered truly blessed.

So, I hope you will think about yourselves regarding these blessings that you’ve just heard. Think about whether you can be considered really blessed, and how qualified you are to receive true blessings.

Brothers and sisters, the most important blessing of all blessings is receiving eternal life and our soul being prosperous. As you receive the blessing of eternal life and as your soul increasingly prospers, you can also receive all the material blessings that you can enjoy on this earth.

From this session, I will talk to you about the ways to fully receive material blessings. I can preach this kind of message because many of you have received the blessing of your soul being prosperous. Your soul ‘being prosperous’ simply means your spirit has become your master and is controlling your soul and body. This is in relation to the extent you have become sanctified and gone into spirit, and to what extent of spirit you have gone into, and to what extent of whole spirit you have gone into. To that same extent, the magnitude of blessings that you can enjoy on this earth will also be different.

With today’s reading passage from Deuteronomy chapter 28, let me talk to you about what kinds of persons will receive blessings, and what God’s true blessings are. First, let us read together what kinds of blessings God will give to us. Verse 3 says, “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.” Verse 4 says, “Blessed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your beasts, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock.” Verse 5 says, “Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.” Verse 6 says, “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.” Verse 7 says, “The LORD shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.” Verse 12 says, “…you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” Verse 13 says, “The LORD will make you the head and not the tail,”

Just imagine you are receiving all these blessings! Aren’t you happy and glad just by imagining it? As a matter of fact, you can receive all these blessings. But you cannot actually receive them just by imagining or envying. We have to understand the conditions that God has given to us to receive blessings. Namely, we have to clearly understand how we can receive blessings and actually put them into action.

Today’s reading passage verses 1-2 give us sure way to receive all these blessings. And these verses are not only for adults who do businesses or who are working. Even little children or students can enjoy all the blessings given by God the Father in your given circumstances. The same goes for senior citizens, too. It is also the same for those who are not educated very much.

These words of blessings were not given considering the abilities, circumstances, or conditions that each person has. They apply to every single child of God. Let us read verses 1 and 2 together. “Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God / being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today / the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth./ [2] “All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you / if you obey the LORD your God:”

From now, based on these verses, let us delve into the specific ways to become blessed men in three aspects.

First, let me talk about God’s words and commandments.

Verse 1 Amplified Bible says, “If you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all His commandments which I command you this day, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.” Here, to ‘listen to the voice of the LORD your God’ means to obey the words in the Bible.

2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;” As recorded, the Bible was not written by the will of any men, but people who were inspired by the Spirit wrote down the will of God in human language. In the 66 books of the Bible, the phrase, “…declares the LORD” is repeated 166 times or so. This tells us that the Bible is certainly the words of God and they contain the heart and will of God. So God is telling us that we have to listen to all the words.

Now, what does it mean by ‘listen’? It is not only to hear with ears. Suppose you tell some students, “Listen to your teacher,” does that mean they can just hear with ears and know about what the teacher said? Of course not! It means they have to listen carefully and do it. Telling the children to ‘listen to their mom and dad’ also means they have to hear and follow what they are told.

In the same way, when God tells us to listen, it means we have to put it into practice. So, do you diligently listen to the Word of God? In order for you to listen to the Word of God well, you first have to diligently hear it and learn it. You have to read the Bible and contemplate on it always.

Also, you have to listen to spiritual messages and keep them in mind. The messages that I preach on the pulpit do not come from the knowledge or thoughts of any man. Everything that I preach is what I receive from God. So, all these messages are God’s words, too.

Then, to what extent do you listen to the words of God? Namely, how much do you read the Bible, and how many messages do you listen to and keep them in mind? You’d be able to practice the words of God only when you first read and hear them. If you do not read the Bible or listen to sermons, how can you understand the words of God and practice them?

And until now, for so many years, how much have you enjoyed listening to the words of God? Maybe you tried hard for several days, weeks, or months, but stopped trying? You cannot expect to receive blessings while you do not even fulfill the first condition to receive blessings.

But I believe you are now changing. Now I believe that you are diligently reading and listening to the Word of God and longing for spirit. Your actions must not change midway. Also immediately practice what you learn, so that you can make it your own. This is to really listen to the voice of God.

Next, we have to keep all His commandments, and I will talk about it in the next session.


Dear brothers and sisters,

In this year, like the prayer title says, “I will do it,” so many things will be done through the original voice that will be sounded forth. Regardless of physical circumstances or conditions, if you just believe and obey, the original voice will work in your lives. You will meet God who lets you reap what you sow and who pays you back according to your deeds. Such works will not take a long time to happen.

I ask you to receive all these messages with faith and listen to the voice of the LORD God beginning from today. I pray in the name of the Lord that in doing so there will be overflowing testimonies of blessings.

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