2st Spirit, Soul, Body (7)

2004-03-14 | Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee | 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Today, continuing from the last time, we will continue to look at the actions of the soul on untruths that we often encounter in our daily lives.

1. Words of soul and body that clearly show the way to the spirit

Our visible body, the flesh, is but a shell, and our own kernel is the spirit and soul in the flesh. The most important of these is the spirit, and for the children of God, the spirit must become the master and rule over the soul and body.

In 3 John 1:2, it says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, as your soul prospers”. When we enter the spirit, the soul will prosper, and the spirit will control the soul and body, so the wishes of our hearts will be answered, and blessings of prosperity and good health will come.

However, in order to know what it is like for the soul to prosper, that is, for the spirit to rule over the soul and body, you must first know about each of the spirit, soul, and body. What is the essence of a person’s spirit, soul, and body, and knowing how one’s soul and body have been made can lead to a better soul and rapid change into a spiritual person, and finally enter New Jerusalem as a perfect child of God. .

2. Thoughts of the flesh by the action of the soul

The soul includes the memory device in the human brain, the memory contents stored in it, and the thoughts that reproduce and utilize these contents. In our lives, the action of the soul, that is, ‘whether to be truthful or untruthful’ is very important. So, if we clearly know what the operation of the soul belonging to the untruth is, we can change the operations of the soul into the operation of the soul belonging to the truth.

Last time, it was said that 1) there are things that we cannot understand and embrace other people in the operation of the soul belonging to the untruth. If you see someone who doesn’t fit your frame and thoughts, you can’t embrace them, so untruthful thoughts may be mobilized to make it difficult for others. It understands the other person’s position as good, and in the truth, it applies both this and that, so anyone can embrace it and understand it.

Next, it is said that there are 2) judgment and 3) condemnation in the operation of the soul belonging to untruth. When you look at the words and actions of others, you draw conclusions based on your own experiences and thoughts. However, you must know that only God can know and judge the heart of man. Of course, those who are spiritual, who cultivate their hearts with the spirit and receive the voice and control of the Holy Spirit clearly, can know the heart and intentions of a person (1 Corinthians 2:15). This is because the Holy Spirit, who understands the deep things of God, reveals everything.

For reference, even if you do not condemn judgment, you need the wisdom to discern the facts in a certain situation and deal with it appropriately. For example, in a certain place, a woman leaves her wallet and leaves, and after a while, a man comes, picks up the wallet and leaves. So what do you think? If you think, ‘As far as I know, it’s definitely not his wallet, but he looks like he’s a thief because he hastily took it out,’ it becomes judgment and condemnation. It may actually be a thief, but the owner of the wallet may have asked you to bring it, or you may have mistaken it for someone you know.

If a police officer sees this and thinks it is the truth in good faith, how can the police carry out their original duty if they say, ‘Let’s not judge, there must be some reason’? Even if you don’t condemn it as a thief, you should be able to take a look at the situation and deal with the case.

Continuing from the last time, let’s look at some of the operations of the soul belonging to untruth.

4) Miscommunication

Miscommunicating the words around us often causes problems and hurts. This is because each person’s thoughts enter the process of going through several people. Sometimes the environment is noisy and the sound is difficult to hear, so there are cases where the content is heard and delivered differently from the original content.

In fact, even if you convey what you have heard literally, the meaning conveyed may change depending on the facial expression and the loudness of the sound. For example, even if you call someone by saying “Hey” in the same way, saying “Hey” in a small, friendly voice is completely different from saying “Hey” in a harsh, angry voice. Even less so, if you cannot translate the other person’s words or expressions as they are and change them into your own, the meaning will be different from the original meaning.

This is also recorded in the Bible. In John 21, the resurrected Jesus tells us that Peter will be martyred in the future. At this time, Peter inquired about John, and Jesus said, “If I want him to stay until I come, what does it have to do with you? Follow me.” That is, even if John does not die until the Lord returns, Peter is saying that it is none of your business. The disciples are misleadingly saying that Jesus said, “He will not die” even though Jesus did not say, “He will not die” (John). 21:23).

Many examples of this can be found in our daily life. It is exaggerated or reduced from the original content, and in severe cases, it is conveyed with completely wrong words. “Is that so?” The words “it is so” and “it may be, it will be” are sometimes delivered as “it was decided that way”. Also, it is said that “there was a breakup between the two of them” and that “they had a big fight” or “financial difficult” is said to be “bankrupt”.

For example, when I said, “I will do it at an appropriate time in the future,” it is said that “Chairman Lee said that he will do it soon” or that I said it until a few years, months, or days that I have never said before. “The end times are very near. Anyone who is awake in the spirit can feel it.” Some say, “Chairman Lee said that he knows what day and what time the Lord is coming”, and when they say, “Someone gave me a hot soup and ate it”, “Chairman Dr. Lee” There is even a saying that says that he likes spicy soup.” When I said, “Among fruits, I like sweet fruits”, it was conveyed that “Chairman Lee likes sweets”, so there were cases where people who heard this gave me candy or chocolate as a gift.

There are cases like this. When someone who is promoting a project comes to me and reports, “I am going to proceed this way”, I answer “yes”. When I said that he would do that, on my part, it meant “It is so”, but there were people who went back and said, “This is the will of the Chairman.” Or when they see something has changed and ask the reason, there are people who say, “Chairman Lee said to keep it the way it was.” I just wanted to know the reason for the change.

If you look at people in the world, there are more people who do not convey the words correctly than those who do not, and there are many cases where people can laugh even if they say something wrong. However, it is important to keep in mind that simply misrepresenting the word itself is not the problem, but the fact that it is related to some untruth in the mind at that moment, and the wrong action of the soul, that is, the untruthful thought, is realized.

When we achieve truth in our hearts, we do not distort the facts by our own thoughts. The more the mind seeking self-interest, the mind to jump over it, the mind to judge hastily, or the mind to like to talk about others, the more accurately the actual situation can be conveyed.

So, “How often do I misrepresent words?” We must realize that looking back is ultimately a measure of how much we can realize how untruthful souls are.

5) emotions

Among the actions of the soul belonging to the untruth, the last thing to be explained is ’emotions’. The action of the soul belonging to the untruth comes out of the fleshly emotions, such as being sad, dismayed, hurting self-esteem, discouraged, jealous, or angry.

For example, even if you say the same thing, your reaction will depend on the emotions of the listener. When a superior points out the mistakes of subordinates, “Can’t you do your job well?” and said a word. Then someone will say, “I will do better.” But the person who was usually dissatisfied with the boss immediately develops feelings and untruthful thoughts come out, saying, ‘I have to say something so bad, how good is he, so he can’t even act like a boss’ is.

Also, when they are encouraged to say, “It would be better if I fix this part like this,” about the work they have worked hard on, some people refer to their opinions saying, “That is a good opinion, thank you for letting me know.” I think, ‘How much effort did I put in to achieve this? How can I say it so easily?’

In the end, what emotions we harbor and what we think in situations we encounter in life depend on our own mindset. If you have bad feelings, your thoughts and actions will become evil, while if you have good feelings, your thoughts and actions will also become good.

In many cases, the way of life changes depending on how you feel and what you think. In the Bible, there are recorded scenes where Peter was rebuked by Jesus (Matthew 14:31, Matthew 16:23). At this time, Peter did not feel sorry for Jesus or harbor any feelings. He believed that there was always a good reason why Jesus said these words, so he served Jesus the same without any emotion and followed Him with unchanging respect and love. Peter, who came to mind in this way, eventually became a great apostle who performed his powers.

On the other hand, what about Judas Iscariot? In Matthew 26, when Mary of Bethany poured perfume on Jesus, Jesus praised Mary for preparing for Jesus’ burial in the spiritual providence instead of taking the side of Judas Iscariot, who pretended to think of the poor because of greed for money. . At this time, Jesus did not rebuke Judas Iscariot, saying, “You are wrong, why are you not thinking spiritually” nor did Jesus rebuke “Why do you deceive and steal from me?” in front of many people or personally.

Nevertheless, Judas became dissatisfied with Jesus for not accepting his words. As these feelings accumulated, he accepted Satan’s thoughts and planned to betray Jesus, and he committed a terrible sin of selling Jesus. (Matthew 26:14-15). The reason he, who was once a disciple of Jesus, went down this path of destruction is because he has been accumulating evil thoughts by following the work of the enemy devil and Satan.

Dear saints,

So far, we have looked at five representative actions of the soul belonging to the untruth, and all of these are fundamentally connected to the evil of the heart. not (Romans 8:6).

Therefore, I bless you in the name of the Lord that you will examine yourself well and promptly throw away untruthful thoughts and reach the perfect level by seeing, hearing, thinking, speaking, and acting as the truth.

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